Pause Menopause
Estrogen & Natural Female Testosterone BHRT (BioIdentical Hormone Pellet Therapy) in the St. Louis Area.
DPC Membership Not Required for Hormone Therapy
Almost every major body process is dependent on hormones, including mood, stress, sleep-wake cycles, fertility, appetite regulation, and metabolism. The imbalance of even a single hormone can cause a serious disruption to your well-being. Conditions of hormone imbalance like thyroid disorder, hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD) may affect women long before menopause, meaning you don’t have to be in your 40s or 50s to have a hormone imbalance.
While symptoms of hormone imbalance are vastly similar to the symptoms many people experience as they age or when stress is high, it’s not normal for those symptoms to cause discomfort for weeks or months on end. And, it’s certainly not normal to be chronically distressed, anxious, or irritable to the point your job and relationships are impacted.
Women Hormone Therapy.
What To Expect.
Low Estrogen Symptoms
Symptoms and side effects of menopause may occur long before the menopausal years. Perimenopause, or the phase when a woman begins to experience the symptoms of menopause but is still menstruating, occurs when the ovaries begin to produce less progesterone and estrogen. For some women this can also lead to lower levels of testosterone.
Symptoms of Menopause
The decline in sex hormones can cause many women to lose sleep, energy, and focus, while also experiencing mood swings, hot flashes, hair thinning, dizziness, breast pain and so much more. In fact the list of menopausal symptoms is significant:
Estrogen & Natural Level Testosterone Replacement Therapy
The benefits of hormone replacement therapy for women have become well-known. When hormonal imbalance is treated with bioidentical hormones, the safety and effectiveness expands, helping patients relieve symptoms of hormone imbalance naturally and without the side effects associated with non-bioidentical treatments.
Bioidentical hormones are derived from natural sources like yam or cactus plants. The ingredients are compounded in a lab and designed to be structurally identical to the hormones produced by the human body. This allows bioidentical hormones to fit into your hormone receptors perfectly.
Women suffering from menopausal hormone imbalances, thyroid hormone imbalances, or experiencing any number of hormone imbalance symptoms can find relief with a natural treatment customized to support hormone optimization and your personal lifestyle and goals.
EVEXIAS Health Solutions trains providers to partner with their patients and develop treatment plans for hormone imbalance that get to the root cause of the problem. Complete lab profiles are assessed and results are carefully analyzed to ensure that all hormones and their dependencies are being addressed. Your treatment plan will include exactly what your body needs to achieve optimization—not just some arbitrary range of “normal.”
Ready to transform your life and discover hormone balance?